How Your Construction Company Can Reduce Climate Change
Image by Ralf Vetterle from Pixabay
It’s no secret that climate change is real. As many world leaders gather year to year to help figure out ways to stop human-caused climate change, technology is a huge part of the conversation. For many major cities, construction is not ready for the health of the world to change so fast, and as a result, our cities are seeing overwhelming destruction to streets, homes, and businesses. There are ways to keep your city together and prepared for sustaining itself through climate change. Here are a few ways your construction company can help cities reduce global warming.
Choose Sustainable Materials
For many construction companies, the materials that are used to build industrial buildings or residential buildings are essential in helping to fight climate change. Many companies use non-sustainable materials like steel and concrete. There are better materials out there like cork, bamboo, and hempcrete. These materials won’t leave a carbon footprint and they will help the Earth stay normal without contributing gasses that can harm our planet.
Don’t Waste Heat While Building
Many companies use artificial heat to keep their workers safe and warm while in the building process. The problem with such an idea is that artificial heating produces a lot of carbon. In turn, your construction company will be creating a lot of harmful effects on the planet. The best way to keep everyone warm while putting together your next great architectural wonder, is to use sustainable insulation. Hempcrete and sheeps wool are great to use to keep a building warm while it’s being built. This will not only help save the environment, but it will also make your construction company more green.
Prevent Erosion of Non-Sustainable Materials
As stated above, concrete is a non-sustainable material, however, for many cities who are improving their infrastructure, it’s an affordable material. The best way to prevent your concrete streets from crumbling and adding to an already bigger problem is to start practicing structural rehabilitation before it’s needed. Purchase and use sealants that will prevent the corrosion of manhole covers, concrete walls and structures, and sewer lines. By extending the life of these structures, you will be able to prevent non-sustainable pollution from affecting the Earth.
Save Water
So much water is used in the building of major factories and large structures that it almost becomes wasteful. By practicing water conservation on your site, you will be able to do a huge part in maintaining the world’s health. The biggest problem with using too much water is that the water mixes with toxic building materials like oil and gas and carries those pollutants into nearby rivers and grass areas that can get into a city’s water supply. A simple construction project has the potential to get a lot of people very sick. Conserving water and preventing water run-off does a huge part in keeping toxins out of the ground and away from drinking water.
Although they are small. Practicing these environment saving techniques will make all the difference to the world.