How to Align Your Business With Net Zero Targets

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Businesses across the board need to think about their Net Zero strategy to support international climate change efforts and optimize their business for the near future. In the coming years, we can expect more accountability for businesses from governments on their Net Zero strategy. 

Motivational Factors 

There is a growing demand amongst stakeholders and customers for businesses to align with Net Zero targets, but it’s important for business owners and employees to understand the need for Net Zero and the potential impacts of climate change on the business or organization

Before you commit to a Net Zero strategy, make sure you and your employees have a clear motivation for the process. This begins by asking the right questions, such as what climate change means to your business and how much you currently understand about the issue. 

Workable Methods 

Implementing an effective Net Zero strategy isn’t straightforward; you have to find the balance between reducing emissions enough - the current target is a reduction of 45% for businesses - without impacting revenue. Naturally, this requires careful planning, but it should be worthwhile. 

Since the world is moving in the direction of carbon neutrality, it’s only a matter of time before governments create accountability targets to flatten the curve. Starting the process early gives you a competitive advantage and improves the company’s reputation. Find a Net Zero strategy. 

Engage Workforce 

There are some clear industrial benefits to making a business Net Zero such as more efficiency, better productivity, and bottom-line savings from efficiency gains, but to make this happen, the employees need to be engaged with the process and have a clear understanding of outcomes.  

Make sure everyone is on the same page and pulling in the same direction when it comes to short and long-term Net Zero goals. This can be achieved in regular Net Zero meetings with your employees and by prioritizing Net zero efforts in everyday activities and maintaining focus.  

Supporting Systems 

Creating a Net Zero business is a collective effort; it can’t be done alone. While it’s possible to reduce energy consumption and improve the waste cycles internally, you will need to consult with manufacturers, suppliers, and the distribution network to build a resilient Net Zero business. 

In many ways, the road to Net Zero is unknown, and a path needs to be created; this can be done by businesses across the board working together to create a workable strategy, such as solutions for erosion control that can be implemented with Cross-value chain collaboration.     

The Right Action 

An effective Net Zero strategy uses long-term and short-term thinking to create a realistic pathway to Net Zero that doesn’t impact revenue streams negatively. The long-term goal is to reduce business GHG emissions by around 45%, but actions must be taken in the short term. 

That doesn’t mean just any action; they must contribute to the long-term Net Zero strategy. Having a plan in place for the business’s Net Zero journey puts you in a more resilient commercial position moving into the second half of the century and builds your reputation.  



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