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Tips on Fostering a More Carbon Neutral Production Line for Your Company
The production of goods is a hugely polluting industry, and many people are looking for ways to be more environmentally friendly. One way that your company can become more carbon neutral is by going green with your production line. In this blog post, we will go over some tips on fostering a more carbon-neutral production line for your company to better serve the environment and its employees and managers.
How To Be More Green With Your Money
Everyone can do their bit to help the planet. Even the way you bank, whether personally or for your business, can make a difference. Banks know that climate change is important to a lot of customers and you can do your part to help the environment through your banking choices.

Special Public WHAT IF? SANDBOX - September 30th
At the next forum we will question-storm what defines and how to design a human sustainable lifestyle. The next What If? Sandbox is a free and open forum, for anyone who is sincerely interested in tackling the issues of climate change, not just to our Levers of Exchange Patrons. There is a limit of 20 public participants. Don't miss out! Register today at Eventbrite:
Showing Your Customers That Your Business Actually Cares About the Environment
Customers these days will much prefer a brand that shows they care about the environment. They want to align themselves with a brand that is sustainable and they want to invest their money into companies that are ethical in every sense. Unfortunately, the business world understands this and there are some companies that will go as far as to lie to their customers or show a false impression that they care about the environment.
A Swamp and 60 Feet
The eyes would be easy to miss, rising an inch or two above the brackish water like burls on a half-sunken log. And we would have, if our Floridian companions hadn’t pointed them out, because we’d been focused on a pink flamingo lawn ornament tucked in the nearby foliage. Besides the two vertical pupils, the rest of the alligator’s scaled, 6-foot-long body is hidden under a mat of vibrant green algae. It blinks and disappears beneath the surface without a ripple.
A submerged dinosaur is strange enough. But this is Florida, where 12-foot alligators wander golf courses and 9-foot snakes and finger-chomping, 200-pound turtles hide among the swampy forests. Earlier, I came across an armadillo, the only animal (besides humans) known to carry leprosy. In such a menagerie of scaly horrors, one gator is hardly noteworthy.
The strip of dirt under our tires, however, very much is: a steep, purpose-built mountain bike trail in the center of the flattest and lowest state in the Union.