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Tips To Reduce The Climate Impact Of Your Manufacturing Business
Climate change is a pressing global issue that requires the concerted effort of everyone on the planet to address. For manufacturing businesses, this means finding ways to reduce your company's carbon footprint and lessen your impact on the environment.
A Simple Guide to Implementing Decarbonization Within Your Organization
In order to halt the disastrous effects of climate change, it is imperative that we take swift and significant action now. One crucial way to do this is through decarbonization – reducing greenhouse gas emissions from all aspects of our lives. Implementing decarbonization within your organization can seem daunting, but it can be done relatively quickly with careful planning. This article will outline a simple guide to help you get started.
10 Ways Climate Change Affects Small Businesses: How to Prepare for the Future
Global climate change is a reality. It's happening all around us, and it's affecting small businesses more than we might think. The good news is that there are steps business owners can take to prepare for the future. In this blog post, we'll discuss ten ways climate change affects small businesses, and we'll offer tips on how to get ready for whatever comes our way.
The Shifting Times October 2021
Join Jimmy reporting live from COP26 in Glasgow. In September the UN issued a Code Red for the planet with zero time to delay significant climate change actions. Jimmy will be interviewing attendees and report to us what they identify as critical issues, road blocks and possible outcomes of this installment of COP.
Climate Change: How Your Small Business Can Make a Big Impact
According to statistics, about 100 of the several businesses in the world are responsible for 71% of greenhouse gas emissions.
Greenhouse gas emissions are the nasty by-product of manufacturing that play a leading role in causing global warming.
Suffice to say; businesses should be at the forefront in promoting campaigns to manage climate change.
Albeit industries being the root cause for global warming, it is a necessary element for the development of humankind. More and more innovations keep arising, which have a significant impact on the environment.
It is a legal mandate for companies to ensure the responsible discarding of their waste in every country. Improper waste management is one of the leading causes of climate change.
As a business, your operations will most likely lead to an impact on the environment. It is your sole duty to ensure that you manage any impact you create on your environs.
The 'triangle of deceit' in climate conversations: ESG, net-zero and voluntary carbon markets
Amid the blizzard of corporate decarbonisation announcements, there has been some scepticism about how these ambitions will be realised, and what sort of solutions will be used to achieve them. Among the most outspoken of sceptics is Assaad Razzouk, a Singapore-based clean energy entrepreneur and host of the podcast Angry Clean Energy Guy.

Amazon begins the ‘huge’ lift to shrink the carbon footprint of its devices to reach climate goals
Amazon’s newest Echo Dot is sold in charcoal, glacier white and twilight blue. But behind the scenes, the smart speakers that deliver Alexa are newly greened.
The Seattle-based tech giant is working to shrink its carbon footprint to reach carbon neutrality by 2040, an ambitious target and one that Amazon has convinced more than 100 other companies to join through its Climate Pledge.
To fulfill its climate promise, Amazon needs to curb emissions generated in every aspect of its trillion dollar business — including the climate debt created in the production, use and disposal of its Echo Dots, Fire TV devices, Fire tablets, Kindles and other products.
Experts in the sustainability industry say it’s a significant, potentially costly initiative. And while other tech companies appear to be a few steps ahead, Amazon is in a good position to make a meaningful difference given its resources and dominance in the technology and retail sectors. The key is making sure these greener practices are widespread and permanent in their adoption, according to those both in and outside of the company.
Climate Change Is Making Big Problems Bigger
New data compiled by the E.P.A. shows how global warming is making life harder for Americans in myriad ways that threaten their health, safety and homes.
ECO Business 101: How To Makes Sure Your Company Is As Green As Possible
One of the most important things that any business can do is to reevaluate its processes in terms of sustainability. The good news is many actions can be taken to ensure your business is running in the most eco-fiending way possible. Discover some of the simplest and most significant ones.
Back From the Brink: How Going Green Will Give You a Competitive Advantage After the Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has had an enormous impact on many businesses all over the world. And instead of giving up, businesses are looking for ways to adapt to the new normal. This pandemic has also increased a sense of environmental sustainability among business owners. And in fact, many businesses have already put plans in place to balance both social and environmental issues as the pandemic disaster evolves. The following are some ways going green will give you competitive advantages after the pandemic.
Ecocide: Should Destruction of the Planet Be a Crime?
At many moments in history, humanity’s propensity for wanton destruction has demanded legal and moral restraint. One of those times, seared into modern consciousness, came at the close of World War II, when Soviet and Allied forces liberated the Nazi concentration camps at Auschwitz and Dachau. Photographs and newsreels shocked the conscience of the world. Never had so many witnessed evidence of a crime so heinous, and so without precedent, that a new word—genocide—was needed to describe it, and in short order, a new framework of international justice was erected to outlaw it.
Another crime of similar magnitude is now at large in the world. It is not as conspicuous and repugnant as a death camp, but its power of mass destruction, if left unchecked, would strike the lives of hundreds of millions of people. A movement to outlaw it, too, is gaining momentum. That crime is called ecocide.
How To Make Your Office More Sustainable
There is no time like the present when it comes to creating a more eco-friendly office for work. Whether you now have remote workers, are Forex Trading, dealing with customer service, completing sales calls, or anything else in an office, there are many ways you can go green and create a pleasant working environment at the same time as helping the environment.

The Business Benefits of Going Green
The conscientious effort to reduce your company's negative environmental impact is considered as going green. Subsequently, the ripple effect on your business manifests in reduced utility costs, a commitment to recycling, and loyalty from customers, among many others. With 72% of US companies actively publicizing their renewable energy sources, there is proof of a move to attach seriousness to eco-friendly measures. So how eco-friendly is your business? Read further to discover the many benefits your business can derive from going green.

How A Smaller Business Can Go Green
These days businesses don’t just go green because it’s what they believe in. A lot of them simply go green because they know it’s what people expect of them. It’s a brutal truth, but in the main, the corporate big wigs are going to push towards whatever saves them money, or makes them money. But how does the smaller businesses make this worth their while?